ANKUR – Sprouts of Sustainable Livelihood Options

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Ankur Project is at its successful completion of one year in spite of the obstacles and barriers faced due to the General Parliament Election, cast discrimination, Superstition and illiteracy. The farmers are happy with the benefits they have received from the Project. They have been regularly coming to the Farmers Club meetings to plan ways and means to improve the techniques and methods of agriculture. Few of them have already started organic farming. It was a difficult task to convince the farmers to give up the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and switch over to organic farming. Earlier the farmers did not have Access to the benefits from KVK and Agriculture Department. Through the Farmers Club, a ray of hope is awakened and now they have access to the benefits and services from KVK and Agriculture Department. The women, who were consigned to the four walls of their house have started joining Self Help Groups and farmers clubs and are entering into the mainstream of the society. The landless farmers have started applying for job cards and Government entitlements.
