Focus of the Relief Work
The torrential rain in the month of October 2012 in Rajasthan particularly in Jaipur affected many number of slum dwellers. Water gushed through roads and drainages and hundreds of poor people became shelterless and lost all their possessions like cloths, beds and other household items. About 50 Bastis were flooded and the Bastis situated in low lying areas were most affected.
Jeevandhara Samaj Kalyan Sanstha along with few Catholic institutions, other NGos and various volunteers reached the disaster prone area for emergency work and made all effort to show our solidarity with the suffering people.
The main Objectives of the project were improving the living condition of 628 flood affected families of the poor and the marginalized by providing necessary relief material and creating awareness among the people of the affected 4 Basthis on community Based Disaster Management.
Through the help rendered by the organization, the affected people of the community are able to restart their normal life again. They are able to resettle their life with basic needs. The fear and the trauma experienced during disaster have begun to diminish. They feel encouraged and praise God. During the time of relief, they expressed their sentiments of thanks to the Catholic community very specially Caritas India for its generosity and concern.
Work is done in a spirit of collaboration and support of one another. Many volunteers and commission members saw and witnessed the hardships of landless and homeless people living in these Basthis.
Unity and collaboration among the community members were seen during the relief work. Almost in every camp there were number of volunteers from the community came forward to help out. Hence it helped the event to run smoothly.
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