This project was funded by Caritas India. It started in the year 2009. This was implemented in 27 villages of Dausa and Sawaimadhopur Districts of Rajasthan. The main focus of this project was the empowerment of women through right based approach. It concentrated on providing better livelihood option for the underprivileged and the marginalized in the society. Under this project, there were trainings and guidance given to the farmers for better production ensuring improved quality of life. The project on the whole, aimed at the holistic development of the people in the operational area.
Besides these, there were other activities being conducted in the target villages such as Self Help Groups for women, formation of youth and farmers group, Formation of CBOs in the villages, non-formal education for girl children through literacy programmes, Net working with other NGOs and government organizations, Conducting health awareness programmes, Sensitizing and Motivating poor people to participate in PRI etc.
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