Name of the Beneficiaries- Gangadhar
Name of the village: Baniyana
District – Dausa
State – Rajasthan
Situation before intervention:
The above mentioned village is 10 km. away from JSKS office. The target group is engaged in Livestock Management. He is an illiterate person and did not know how to get better income from his Livestock.
Gangadhar had interaction with our animator Kishenlal. While talking to him about his livestock, animator understood that he was unaware about Livestock Management. He was motivated and invited him for the training programme for the livestock management conducted in the office. He came for the training programme and got new ideas and knowledge about better way of looking after Livestock.
Turning Point
Adhikar project team organized series of meetings, Training programme with the people who have livestock to make them aware of the importance of Livestock Management. We helped the person mentioned above and he is practicing it after learning better livestock management.
Challenges Faced
Not availability of the persons in harvesting season and due to lack of time people those who trained are not giving enough time to care for their livestock. Very often they go out in search of other job. They are not, still, aware about the importance of better livestock management for the source of income.
How the challenges were overcome
The continuous efforts of the animators and the constant meetings with the people helped our staff in getting cooperation from few persons. The Adhikar team motivated them through training programme and community meeting for better Livestock Management.
Present Status or Changed Situation
As a result few people started practicing the better livestock management and the above mentioned person is an example. He is earning more income than before from his livestock because he is getting more milk. So he is taking utmost care of his livestock by feeding, taking them to veterinary hospital etc. By seeing the result other people in the target villages started getting interested. Good rapport is developed between the people and the staff.