1. Activities Performed During the Reporting Period January 2019 to March 2019
Total number of groups Modified so far is 39. Total number of meetings held is 116 in which 1623 of Adolescent girls participated. During the meeting games and dance classes were organized. To motivate the parents and reduce child marriage the Animators visited 150 houses of Adolescent girls. 52 newly married couple were given counselling on Family Planning. 42 Adolescent girls were learn Training on Advance stitching Course. 10 Healthy Sakhies were their regularly working in the Village. 24 Adolescent girls learned Computer Course. To promote Gender equality sessions were conducted for 523 boys on Behavioral modification. To promote girl child education Triangular sessions were conducted for Adolescent girls, parents and teachers. 432 adolescent girls participated in the knowing our body and menstrual system. 382 adolescent girls participated in the Jago Sakhi Programme. 43 Teachers Present in Sensitization Programme, 402 Adolescent Girls were participated in Kishori Health Camp. 40 Adolescent Girls were Learn Training on Healthy Cooking. 515 adolescent girls got new information on Right to education. 443 participants were presented in Interaction Session with SHG. 347 Adolescent Girls were participated in Community Exchange Programme. 29 Govt. Staff were Present in Lobbying Meeting for Prevent to Child Marriage. 550 Adolescent girls were participated in AGs Day Celebration. Vocational Students were get certificate on AGs Day Celebration.