Training for 120 SHG members on Livestock Management

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On 9.2.2019 Dr. Bhagchand trained 60 SHG members for livestock management in Dhularaoji Panchayat. Ladies were present from all the 4 Panchayats. Training was from 11 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. p.m. The group was new and so he had to teach them from the beginning. He taught them

1. Quality of the animal: – Quality of the animal is very important to get quantity of milk. He taught them how to change the quality of the animals. When to cross the animal and what are the signs to be observed before taking the animal for crossing.

2. Cleaning the cowshed: – Urine of the animals should not get stagnated, no to make a concrete floor for the shed, Door to be to the east and smoke the shed once in a way with the Neem leaves.

3. Balanced diet: – Animals should be given time to time clean and wholesome food as per their need. Don’t over feed the animals that they fall sick. Overfeeding doesn’t fetch more milk. He explained to them what food to be given and when.

4. Sickness and its treatment: – He explained various sickness of the animals and how to treat them. With the help of the photos.

5. Milk: – Whether the animal is of good quality or not if it is taken care well it will give milk as per its ability. Animals are not a waste as long as they are alive.
He also told them as the weather changes the animals should be given worms medicine. Vaccinations should be given as and when it is needed. De-worming and vaccination are the most important aspects of animal rearing. “Stitch in time saves nine” Salt brick and preparation of calcium water are the some of the other things he included in the class.

After the training all were given lunch.

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