Apki Beti Yojna Baniyana-2

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CASE Study
“Haqdar ko Mila Haq”


Name of the Beneficiary- Pooja Bairwa, Kali Bairwa, Pinki Bairwa
Name of the village: Kanwarpura, Panchayat- BaniyanaProfile
District – Dausa
State – Rajasthan


Situation before intervention:

The target person belongs to a poor family of Bairwa. Her father expired some years ago leaving behind three girls. Being very very poor, Pooja and her mother were not able to take care of their family. Pooja and her sisters are reading in govt. school. So their condition was very bad and they found difficult to sustain their family.


The Animators had number of meetings and interactions with the family. While talking to them came to know that they wanted to improve their living condition.

Turning Point

Our animator met her family members and became aware of their condition. Then the first attempt was to apply for a widow pension. Then animator went to the Panchayat and got the Death certificate of Pooja’s father and applied for a scheme known as “Apki Beti Yojna” under which all three of them will be getting Rs.1100/.

Challenges Faced Image

Girl’s mother was not able to apply for any scheme since no one was there to give her the awareness on government schemes and help her out to get it.

How the challenges were overcome

The continuous efforts of the animators and the constant meetings with them brought success. The Adhikar team motivated them and ensured their support in obtaining the pension under Social Security Scheme and improvement in income through the scheme “ Apki Betti Yojana.”

Present Status or Changed Situation

Three girls and her mother Laxma Devi was so long suffering from poor livelihood. But today they are got benefits of “Apki Betti Yojana” with Rs. 1100 and also able to apply for different schemes to get the benefits. The effort of Adhikar staff would be giving them help to sustain their livelihood. Now they are happy and grateful to the organization and the staff for helping them to reach out to the government schemes.


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