Case Study Bada Gaon-3

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CASE Study

Case Study Bada Gaon-3

Name of the Dhani: Bagdyas
Name of the village: Badagaon village.
District – Dausa
State – Rajasthan


Situation before intervention:

The women of Dhani village had to go far away to collect drinking water for the families since they did not have the drinking water facility in their village. During the rainy season, the road in Bagdyas Dhani used to be in a very bad condition and it was impossible for the people to walk that way.


The Animators had number of meetings and interactions with the family. While talking to them came to know that they wanted to improve their living condition and two main problems are there one is Water and second one is Road.

Turning Point

Our animator met Community people for a meeting and motivated them to solving the problem. With the guidance of the Adhikar team, 40 women approached the Panchayat with the signature campaign and application for Road and Drinking water facility. Then the Panchayat took up the issue and as its first step they built a water tank from which 900 people were take benefit from it and started a good CC road.

Challenges Faced

Sarpanch of this panchayat was not supportive with us, this is the big challenge for us. Constant visits and motivation enabled the women’s to come out with group and give application to Sarpanch. As a result Water tank and Road was made.

How the challenges were overcome

The continuous efforts of the animators and the constant meetings with Women have brought success. The Adhikar team motivated them and ensured their support in obtaining the facility in the village.

Present Status or Changed Situation

At the present time in the Dhani, built a water tank from which 900 people were take benefit from it and started a good CC road. Thus the community people was happy because of their efforts contributed in village development and solved their problems.

Water TankRoad Work

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