Executive summary of the Project:
Shakti Project has come to its completion successfully. The main focus of the programme was integrated empowerment of women through capacity building and skill development. The activities to achieve this end included SHG & Cluster group formation, Bank Linkages and Loaning, women’s participation in Gram Sabha and decision making process, Skill Training for Income Generation, Curative and preventive measures of health and empowerment of pregnant women, Lactating mothers, children 0-6 years of age, Training programmes for women & Adolescent Girls, Gender sensitization programmes and skill development for Livestock Management etc. The whole programme witnessed enthusiasm of the women and Adolescent girls in all the activities. The result they produced was remarkable. Project was implemented in 19 villages of Jamwa Ramgarh Block of Jaipur District. Continuous networking with government departments made the process of implementation easy and effective.
Group formation of SHG and Cluster ensured a common platform to carry out all our activities and empowerment process. Project Launching and a Street Play on Gender sensitization and project Orientation in all the target villages created good awareness among the community and stakeholders which facilitated good cooperation and support for the completion of the Project. The Project activities started with appointment, training and Orientation for the Project team, followed by group formation of 58 SHGs and then 4 Cluster at Panchayat level.First focus was on their group building through capacity building by means of training them in leadership, group dynamics, enlightening the members on the concept, roles and functions of SHG, documentation, Account opening in the Bank and its procedures, women’s rights and entitlements, social issues, Micro pan preparation and submission in Gram Panchayat, Training in Right to Information (RTI) Livestock training, Pashu Sakhi Training etc. To empower and motivate and build up the confidence of Adolescent girls, groups were formed in 19 villages and time to time trainings and Orientations were given on RCH, Life skill, importance of education, Health, Food and Nutrition, Skill Training in Tailoring, Beautician Course, Surf, soap, Phenyl Candle and making, for women and Adolescent girls etc were conducted.
Later on Cluster formation was done at Panchayat level with the SHG leaders of every group within the Panchayat. They function as a decision making body for the groups (common decisions) and function as a link between Bank, SHGs and Gram Panchayat. 45 Women and girls became literate through literacy classes.
304 women participated in Gram Sabha meeting and 92 women participated in Gram Panchayat meeting for the first time and submitted their plans for village development and availed 486 Government entitlements and got the work completed through the continuous support, motivation and training on Gram Sabha through Shakti team. All the health Centers within the Project area were monitored and networking was done with the health department and helped the women and children to benefit the health services and schemes.
19 women were trained as Pashu Sakhis who were able to do the treatment of the Cattle in common diseases, give vaccination and de-worming and instruct the livestock holders with regard to the livestock management. Cattle holders were given training on livestock management and how to prepare nutritive mix for Cattle.
SHG and Bank loans were availed for income generation programmes. As a result of the project few women leaders have come up, their decision making capacity is increased, and they started earning for themselves. But they still need support to stand on their feet. International Women’s day and republic day, Aids awareness day were organized by Jeevandhara all the 3 years and more than 600 women from Shakti field in Uniform Sari participated every year and gained great awareness on women empowerment.
207 Adolescent girls and women were trained in Tailoring and 37 women and girls got trained in Beautician course for which certificates were distributed to the participants. Besides that 128 women got trained in Surf, soap. Phenyl, Harpic and face cream preparation and 10 women in Candle making.