One of our target villages is called Brambhad. For the last two years they were not getting work in the MGNREGA. But the Ankur team conducted campaigns, gave awareness through
street plays, conducted trainings, SHG meetings, and FC meetings. In the beginning, though they received knowledge but were hesitant to submit the written application for MGNREGA. But last month they got ready to submit the written application. They submitted and within 15days according to the rule of MGNREGA they got 12days of work continuously for 38 people. Also they got money within 10 days. Again in the same month they got work for 13days. Altogether in this month they got jobs for 22days. The Ankur team visited the place where they are working and the people were so happy and thanked the team because they received work continuously 22days and received full amount of Rs. 173/- for 12 days of work.